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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Discussion / troubleshooting / [SOLVED] Issue with Bombsquad Pro.
I returned to the game from playing it awhile ago with friends on android, but I don't have an android anymore. I play the game on pc now, but the issue is I remember owning the pro version on android, and I don't know if it's possible for me to link like a google play account to my current account. I am not up to date on the new account system in place, another issue I have is that I simply cannot get pro, the price is just "??"
2:53 PM
I mainly need the pro version because I've been trying to host sessions with friends
SoK [GMT +1] 12/27/2023 3:03 PM
Hmm I'm not entirely sure if you can link GP with an account in a new system, didn't link for a while. Try creating an account on via Google Play account tho, it should link automagically
3:03 PM
Also V2 accounts are multi-platform so it should be the last linking you'd have to do
3:03 PM
If it's not possible tho, wait for next Office Hours with Eric and ask him, I think he'd be glad to help
3:04 PM
(they should happen today but he's probably spending time with his family, so the next one will most likely be next Wednesday) (edited)
SoK [GMT +1]
Hmm I'm not entirely sure if you can link GP with an account in a new system, didn't link for a while. Try creating an account on via Google Play account tho, it should link automagically
i don't really see an option to do that
I fixed my problem!
4:00 PM
I emulated android, and linked my google play account to my v2 account
👍 1
Temp [GMT -6] changed the channel name: [SOLVED] Issue with Bombsquad Pro. 1/19/2024 1:47 PM
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